Cold When Can I Drink Again

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  • BMC Public Health
  • PMC3533961

BMC Public Wellness. 2012; 12: 987.

Frequent booze drinking is associated with lower prevalence of self-reported common cold: a retrospective written report

Eriko Ouchi,1 Kaijun Niu,ii, iii Yoritoshi Kobayashi,ane Lei Guan,1 Haruki Momma,ii Hui Guo,2 Masahiko Chujo,1 Atsushi Otomo,i Yufei Cui,1 and Ryoichi Nagatomi corresponding author one, 2

Eriko Ouchi

1Section of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai, 980-8575, Japan

Kaijun Niu

2Division of Biomedical Engineering for Health & Welfare, Tohoku University Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, Sendai, 980-8575, Nihon

3Lab of Nutritional Epidemiology, Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, School of Public Health, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin, 300070, People'southward Republic of China

Yoritoshi Kobayashi

oneDepartment of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Tohoku Academy Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai, 980-8575, Japan

Lei Guan

1Section of Medicine & Scientific discipline in Sports & Practice, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai, 980-8575, Nippon

Haruki Momma

iiSectionalisation of Biomedical Engineering for Health & Welfare, Tohoku University Graduate School of Biomedical Applied science, Sendai, 980-8575, Nihon

Hui Guo

iiDivision of Biomedical Engineering science for Health & Welfare, Tohoku Academy Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering science, Sendai, 980-8575, Japan

Masahiko Chujo

aneDepartment of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Tohoku University Graduate Schoolhouse of Medicine, Sendai, 980-8575, Nihon

Atsushi Otomo

1Department of Medicine & Scientific discipline in Sports & Exercise, Tohoku Academy Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai, 980-8575, Nihon

Yufei Cui

aneSection of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai, 980-8575, Nihon

Ryoichi Nagatomi

1Department of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai, 980-8575, Nippon

iiDivision of Biomedical Engineering for Health & Welfare, Tohoku University Graduate Schoolhouse of Biomedical Applied science, Sendai, 980-8575, Japan

Received 2012 Mar 4; Accepted 2012 Nov 13.



Alcohol intake has been associated with reduced incidence of common cold symptoms in ii European studies. However, no written report has addressed the association between the frequency of alcohol intake and the incidence of common cold. This study aimed to investigate the clan between the corporeality and frequency of alcohol drinking and the retrospective prevalence of mutual cold in Japanese men.


This retrospective written report included men who participated in an annual health examination conducted in Sendai, Japan. The frequency of common cold episodes in the previous year was self-reported. The weekly frequency and amount of alcohol consumed, also as the type of alcoholic drink, were reported past a cursory-type self-administered diet history questionnaire. Logistic regression models were used to analyze the association between the corporeality and frequency of alcohol intake and the retrospective prevalence of common cold.


Among 899 men, 83.four% of the subjects reported drinking alcohol, and 55.4% of the subjects reported having experienced at least ane episode of mutual cold in the previous yr. Compared with non-drinkers, the adapted odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for having had ane or more episodes of common cold during the past year across categories of alcohol intake frequency of 3 or less, 4–six, and 7 days/week were 0.827 (0.541–ane.266), 0.703 (0.439–1.124), and 0.621 (0.400–0.965), respectively (P for trend = 0.025); the adjusted ORs with 95% CIs for having had of ii or more than episodes of common cold beyond the same categories were 0.642 (0.395–ane.045), 0.557 (0.319–0.973), and 0.461 (0.270–0.787), respectively (P for trend = 0.006). Compared with subjects who consumed eleven.five–35.8 g of booze per twenty-four hours, the not-drinkers were significantly more than probable to experience 2 or more than episodes of mutual cold (OR, 1.843; 95% CI, 1.115–iii.047).


The frequency, not the corporeality, of booze intake was significantly related to lower prevalence of self-reported common cold episodes in Japanese men.

Keywords: Alcohol, Drinking, Dietary history, Mutual common cold


A common cold is i of the most frequently occurring illnesses in humans. Co-ordinate to a survey conducted in the U.s.a. (U.Due south.) [1], the estimated average number of common common cold episodes per adult per year was 2.5. The mutual common cold is not harmful in nearly cases, and people recover within a few days; notwithstanding, those who endure from chronic respiratory diseases, such as asthma [2] or chronic obstructive pulmonary illness (COPD) [3], accept difficulties decision-making their symptoms after catching a common cold. Furthermore, mutual common cold causes huge economic burden. It has been estimated that the direct cost of common cold amounts to approximately $17 billion per year [one]. In addition, respiratory symptoms are the major causes for sickness absence amongst workers [4], and common cold impacts on working productivity, resulting in average of lost work hours per each mutual common cold experienced by a working developed [5]. Therefore, it is important to seek for effective measures or life style that may potentially reduce common cold incidence, as well every bit to seek for potential risk factors.

Co-ordinate to an experimental study by Cohen et al., alcohol intake contributed to the reduction in the risk of a common common cold among non-smokers [6]. Takkouche et al. surveyed the relationship betwixt the incidence of common cold and alcohol intake in a prospective accomplice study and concluded that every bit the amount of vino intake, non total alcohol, increased, the relative take a chance of having a common cold significantly decreased [7]. It is, even so, unclear whether booze or other components in wine had a preventive effect on mutual cold.

The amount and types of booze intake vary in different countries. The boilerplate corporeality of alcohol intake per drinker in the Great britain (U.Yard.) and Kingdom of spain, where the above mentioned 2 studies were conducted, is more than 1.5 times higher than that in Japan [8]. In addition, in these countries, vino and beer are the most frequently consumed beverage types [8]. On the other paw, the Japanese consume mainly beer and Japanese spirits [8,9]. If booze per se has a potential office in reducing common cold incidence, the risk reduction may not depend upon the blazon of alcoholic drinks simply on the amount or the frequency of alcohol intake.

To date, no study has addressed the association betwixt the prevalence of mutual cold and booze intake in the Japanese population. Therefore, the aim of this research was to investigate whether at that place was a correlation between the corporeality and frequency of alcohol intake and the retrospective prevalence of self-reported mutual cold in Japanese men.


Written report design

The written report was based on data from the Oroshisho longitudinal study (from August 2008 to August 2011) composed of a dynamic accomplice of adult employees working at the Sendai Oroshisho Center, which is one group (over 120 enterprises) of small and medium enterprises in Sendai, northern Nippon. The survey included the results of annual health examinations and additional questionnaires and assessments. The details of the study have been described previously [10-13]. Information from the second year of the cohort written report were used for this assay, considering the information on common cold was not collected at baseline.


A total of 1263 men and women received wellness examinations. Of them, 1215 agreed to participate in this survey and provided written consent forms for their data to exist analyzed (response rate = 96.ii%). Still, considering of meaning gender differences in the amount and frequency of alcohol intake (p < 0.001) and the insufficient number of female participants for logistic analysis, females (north = 282) were excluded from the final analysis. Males with missing data were also excluded (northward = 34), resulting in a total of 899 subjects for the nowadays analyses. The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine.

Common common cold

Participants were asked how many times they had mutual cold in the previous twelvemonth, and to select i of the following 3 options; 1) none, 2) once, and 3) twice or more. History of flu was excluded from the definition of common cold. Definitions of common cold for analyses were whether or not participants experienced 1) 1 or more episodes of common cold and 2) 2 or more than episodes of common cold.

Alcohol intake

The frequency of alcohol intake per calendar week was estimated based on the data nerveless from a cursory-type cocky-administered diet history questionnaire (BDHQ). The BDHQ assesses the dietary habits of the previous month, and the participants are required to provide the average frequency of each food intake per week [14]. For cess of booze intake, the participants checked i of the following nine frequency categories: never, less than one time, and ranging from "1 mean solar day per calendar week" to "vii days per week." For analyses, drinking frequency was categorized into 4 groups: 0, ≤3, iv–6, and 7 days/week. In improver, average numbers of the post-obit types of five alcoholic beverages per session were considered: Japanese sake, beer, Japanese spirits, spirits, and vino. From these information, the average estimated amount of pure alcohol intake per 24-hour interval was calculated [15]. Then, the amount of alcohol was categorized into non-drinkers and tertiles.

Assessment of other variables

Information on age, sex activity, occupation, educational level, and smoking status was collected using questionnaires in improver to conventional annual health examinations. Based on occupation, a participant was categorized every bit an office worker or not-office worker. Office workers are employees who work in an office, peculiarly those engaged in clerical or authoritative work. Non-role workers include those working as salesmen, or those engaged in jobs that require physical labors such as in manufacture or in carrier business. Educational level was categorized on the basis of the elapsing of instruction: greater than 12 years or less. The participants chose their smoking status from non-smoker, ex-smoker, and current smoker. Metabolic syndrome (MetS) was defined every bit the presence of 3 or more of the following v gamble components: 1) waist circumstance modified for Japanese as ≥85 cm, ii) average casual blood pressure ≥130/85 mmHg and/or currently taking anti-hypertensive medication, 3) triglycerides ≥150 mg/dL and/or currently taking lipid-lowering medication, iv) high-density lipoprotein cholesterol <40mg/dL and/or currently taking drug treatment for reduced HDL-cholesterol, and 5) fasting glucose ≥100 mg/dL and/or currently taking oral anti-diabetic medication [16]. Body mass alphabetize (BMI) was calculated equally weight/height2 (kg/mii). Average sleep duration per day was categorized into 3 groups: <7, 7–eight, and ≥8 hours. Weekly physical activity (PA) level was calculated using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) [17]. PA level was determined as daily activity of less or more than 10 minutes. Daily intakes of calories (kcal/day), vitamin C (mg/day), and zinc (mg/day) were calculated from the BDHQ and were divided into quartiles. The Japanese version of the Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS) was used to appraise depressive symptoms [xviii]. For analyses, having depressive symptoms was divers every bit score 45 or more out of eighty points.

Statistical analysis

In this report, because of the distribution of age and BMI was not normal, the common logarithm was applied to normalize the data before statistical analysis. Logistic regression for categorical variables and analysis of variance for continuous variables were used to assess the difference in basic characteristics according to the categorized corporeality and frequency of alcohol intake. Logistic regression models were as well used to clarify the clan betwixt the amount and frequency of alcohol intake and the retrospective prevalence of common cold. The odds ratios (ORs) were adjusted with the post-obit potential confounding factors: age, education, occupation, smoking condition [nineteen], BMI, PA [20], depressive symptoms [21,22], sleep duration [23], MetS, calorie intake, vitamin C intake [24], and zinc intake [25]. For all statistical analyses, the level of significance was determined at P < 0.05. Statistical Bundle for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software eighteen.0 (SPSS Japan Inc., Tokyo, Nihon) was used for all analyses.


Basic characteristics

In our study population, 55.iv% and 19.9% of the subjects reported having experienced common cold episodes at least once and twice or more than during the previous twelvemonth, respectively. The average corporeality of alcohol intake was 30.0 g/day with standard deviation of 29.1. Distribution of alcoholic beverages by blazon was equally follows: 12.3% for Japanese sake; 42.9%, beer; xxx.6%, Japanese spirits; eight.1%, spirits; and 6.1%, wine. Of the subjects, 16.6% were non-drinkers, and the percentage of those who drank 1 or 2 or more than types of alcoholic beverages were 28.9% and 54.5%, respectively. Intake of both beer and Japanese spirits was observed in 63.five% of subjects who drank 2 or more types of alcoholic beverages. The frequency and amount of booze intake was significantly positively correlated (r = 0.698, p < 0.001).

The basic characteristics of the participants according to the categorized frequency and corporeality of alcohol intake are shown in Table 1 and Tabular array 2, respectively. Compared to the subjects who did not drink, those who consumed alcohol every 24-hour interval or more 35.8 1000/day were more probable to be older, currently smoking, take lower BMI, swallow more than calories, and sleep 7–8 hours per day. They were less likely to never take smoked, swallow less calories, and sleep less than 7 hours. No pregnant human relationship was found between the amount and frequency of alcohol intake and other variables.

Table 1

Bones characteristics of the study subjects co-ordinate to the categorized frequency of alcohol intake

Frequency of booze intake (day/week)
P for tendency a


(due north = 149) (n = 294) (n = 169) (n = 287)
Age (year)b
45.0 (38.0–55.0)
41.5 (36.0–52.3)
48.0 (38.0–55.0)
51.0 (42.0–57.0)
< 0.001
Education (%)

  ≥12 years
Occupation (%)

  Non role work
Smoking status (%)

  Never smoker
39.half dozen
  Ex smoker
  Current smoker
60.half dozen
BMI (kg/g2)b
23.8 (21.6–26.1)
23.viii (21.7–26.0)
23.6 (22.1–25.five)
22.8 (xx.9–25.0)
< 0.001
Physical activity (%)

Depressive symptoms (%)

  SDS ≥45
Sleep duration (%)

  <7 60 minutes
< 0.001
  7-8 60 minutes
  ≥8 hour
Metabolic syndrome (%)

Calorie intake (%)

  1st (≤1519.0kcal)
  2d (1519.0-1877.0kcal)
  tertiary (1877.0-2296.9kcal)
  4th (>2296.9kcal)
Vitamin C intake (%)

  1st (≤56.0mg/d)
  2nd (56.0-82.0mg/d)
  3rd (82.0-121.5mg/d)
  4th (>121.5mg/d)
Zinc intake (%)

  1st (≤5.8mg/d)
  2nd (5.8-7.3mg/d)
  3rd (7.three-9.2mg/d)
  fourth (>ix.2mg/d) 28.two 24.ane 28.4 22.iii 0.302

Tabular array ii

Bones characteristics of the report subjects according to the categorized amount of booze intake

Amount of alcohol intake (g/mean solar day) a
P for tendency b


(n = 149) (n = 250) (n = 249) (n = 251)
Historic period (years)c
45.0 (38.0–55.0)
42.0 (36.0–53.0)
47.0 (38.0–56.0)
50.0 (42.0–57.0)
< 0.001
Education (%)

  ≥12 years
Occupation (%)

  Non office work
Smoking status (%)

  Never smoker
  Ex smoker
  Current smoker
BMI (kg/mtwo)c
23.8 (21.6–26.1)
23.vii (21.9–25.9)
23.iii (21.five–25.v)
23.ane (21.1–25.iii)
Physical activeness (%)

  ≥10 min/solar day
Depressive symptoms (%)

  SDS ≥45
Sleep duration (%)

  <7 60 minutes
  seven-eight hour
  ≥8 hour
Metabolic syndrome (%)

Calorie intake (%)

  1st (≤1519.0kcal)
< 0.001
  2nd (1519.0-1877.0kcal)
  third (1877.0-2296.9kcal)
  4th (>2296.9kcal)
< 0.001
Vitamin C intake (%)

  1st (≤56.0mg/d)
  2nd (56.0-82.0mg/d)
  3rd (82.0-121.5mg/d)
  fourth (>121.5mg/d)
Zinc intake (%)

  1st (≤5.8mg/d)
  2nd (v.8-7.3mg/d)
  3rd (seven.3-ix.2mg/d)
  4th (>9.2mg/d) 28.two 22.0 24.5 0.865

Cold and booze

Tabular array iii presents the association of the frequency of alcohol intake with the retrospective prevalence of common common cold. Compared with not-drinkers, the rough ORs (95% confidence interval [CI]) for having had 1 or more than episodes of common common cold in the previous yr across categories of alcohol intake frequency of ≤iii, 4–6, and 7 days per week were 0.964 (0.644–1.444), 0.744 (0.476–one.163), and 0.599 (0.400–0.895), respectively (P for trend = 0.002). The association remained present later controlling for potential confounders (P for trend = 0.025). In addition, compared with non-drinkers, the rough ORs (95% CI) for having had 2 or more than episodes of common cold in the previous year across the same categories of alcohol intake frequency were 0.813 (0.513–i.289), 0.682 (0.401–i.162), and 0.543 (0.334–0.884), respectively (P for trend = 0.009). Adjustment for potential confounders resulted in a clearer association, and the adapted ORs (95% CI) were 0.642 (0.395–i.045), 0.557 (0.319–0.973), and 0.461 (0.270–0.787), respectively (P for trend = 0.006).

Table iii

Odds ratios for having had common cold in the previous twelvemonth across alcohol intake frequency

Frequency of alcohol intake (day/week)
P for trend a
0 ≤3 4-6 7
≥ane mutual coldb (cases/subjects)

Crude OR(95% CI)
0.964 (0.644–ane.444)
0.744 (0.476–one.163)
0.599 (0.400–0.895)d
Adjusted ORc (95% CI)
0.827 (0.541–one.266)
0.703 (0.439–1.124)
0.621 (0.400–0.965) d
≥two mutual coldb (cases/subjects)

Crude OR (95% CI)
0.813 (0.513–one.289)
0.682 (0.401–ane.162)
0.543 (0.334–0.884) d
Adjusted ORc (95% CI) 1 0.642 (0.395–1.045) 0.557 (0.319–0.973) d 0.461 (0.270–0.787) d 0.006

Similarly, Table 4 shows the ORs with 95% CI for having had mutual cold in the previous year based on the amount of booze intake. In comparison with the drinkers in the second tertile, the non-drinkers were significantly more likely to experience 2 or more episodes of common cold (OR, one.843; 95% CI, ane.115–3.047), only the OR values for drinkers in the showtime and third tertiles were neither smaller nor larger. In that location was no clan between the corporeality of alcohol and the occurrence of one or more episodes of mutual common cold. Adjustment for potential confounders did non change the clan between the amount of alcohol intake and the retrospective prevalence of cold.

Table 4

Odds ratios for having had cold in the previous year across alcohol intake amount

Amount of alcohol intake (thousand/twenty-four hours) a
Non-drinking (0) 1st (≤xi.5) second (xi.five-35.8) 3rd (>35.eight)
≥i common common coldb (cases/subjects)
 Crude OR(95% CI)
ane.079 (0.755–1.530)
0.893 (0.628–one.269)
 Adjusted ORc (95% CI)
0.950 (0.655–1.378)
0.939 (0.643–1.372)
≥2 common common coldb (cases/subjects)
 Rough OR (95% CI)
one.843 (1.115–3.047) d
1.380 (0.871–2.186)
1.373 (0.867–2.174)
 Adjusted ORc (95% CI) ii.155 (one.275–iii.644) d ane.317 (0.817–2.125) 1 1.387 (0.849–2.265)


The study revealed that booze intake frequency, not its amount, was associated with the retrospective prevalence of common cold. Moderate alcohol intake has been recognized as a behavior that finer reduces wellness risks, such as the development of myocardial infarction [26] and all-crusade mortality [27]. 1 of the previous studies showed that blood-red wine intake reduced the risk of common cold, while intake of other beverages, such as beer and spirits, did non [7]. Give that the benign effect of ruby vino may exist because of its higher antioxidant [28] and the anti-inflammatory capacity [29] of polyphenols, the departure seemed to be explained by significantly lower content of polyphenols in beer [thirty]. In the nowadays written report, still, the percentage of the subjects who drank wine was considerably lower than that of the subjects who drank beer or Japanese spirits. Because nearly two thirds of the drinkers consumed more than 2 types of beverages, mainly beer and Japanese spirits, and the numbers of subjects drinking each beverage alone were also minor to analyze the independent effect of each type of alcoholic intake. Hence, although a possible effect of other components of beer and Japanese spirits cannot be excluded, booze itself may have a benign outcome on reducing the incidence of mutual cold.

The associations between the retrospective prevalence and the amount and frequency of alcohol intake were stronger in subjects who had 2 or more episodes of common common cold than those who experienced 1 or more episodes. Frequent incidence of mutual cold may be a reflection of higher susceptibility to common cold viruses, which, in plow, may be influenced past alcohol intake. Rhinovirus (RV) is one of the most common causative pathogens of common common cold [31]. The replication of some types of RV, such equally RV14 and RV16, is optimal at lower temperatures (33°C) and attenuated at higher temperatures (37°C) [32]. The average temperature in the upper respiratory tract is 32°C, equally compared with 35°C in the sub-segmental bronchi [33]. Thus, airway temperature may be one of the primal factors determining the susceptibility to RV infections, too as the attacks of other temperature-sensitive viruses [34].

Raising airstream temperature is positively related with increasing blood menstruum of the mid-trachea [35]. Booze intake improves skin [36], cerebral [37] and coronary blood flow [38]. Hence, alcohol might increase airway claret flow and temperature. One of the mechanisms by which alcohol intake may increase airway temperature could be associated with nitric oxide (NO), a potent vasodilator [39] stimulated past ethanol [xl-43]. Other gene which may be associated with the increased airway temperature is blood acetaldehyde level, which indirectly causes vasodilation [44] and increases after alcohol intake, resulting in increase blood flow [45]. The temporary effect of alcohol intake on increasing blood NO concentration is reported to final more than i hr and upward to several hours [40,41], and claret acetaldehyde level returns to normal within 4 hours after alcohol intake [45]. Given that increased local blood flow in the upper respiratory tract contributes to protection against viruses, daily drinkers of modest amounts of alcohol may take an reward on viral protection over "weekend" or "occasional" drinkers.

In that location are possibilities that those who had history of stroke, cardiac disease, angina, or chronic renal failure may avert or reduce booze drinking, and that those who have poorer wellness conditions may have higher incidence of common cold. In this study, however, only i.7% of the participants had history of these diseases, and there were no skewed distribution of them across either the corporeality or the frequency of alcohol intake categories (data not shown). Moreover, in this study, at that place were no significant associations between the amount and frequency of alcohol intake and general health weather such as concrete activity level, depressive symptoms, and metabolic syndrome. Statistical adjustment for these variables did not affect the association between the retrospective prevalence of common cold and the frequency and amount of alcohol intake. Therefore, it is not likely that poorer health conditions take affected our results. Another possibility is that those who suffer common cold may have avoided drinking. Average incidence of common common cold episodes per person in northern Japan is reported to be approximately four times per twelvemonth amidst Japanese adults [46]. Ill days in a common cold episode commonly last for several days. It is therefore likely that the reduction in the corporeality or the frequency of alcohol during the ill days may non affect our results.

In an elderly population aged 66 to 79 years, those with depressive symptoms had higher incidence of common common cold during a one-year follow-up period [21]. In addition, previous studies showed that psychological stress was related with the risk of mutual cold [22]. However, in the current report, examining a slightly younger population, no association betwixt depressive symptoms and retrospective common cold incidence was observed (data non shown); further, no clan was found between alcohol intake and depressive symptoms.

A previous experimental study showed that those who sleep over 8 hours a mean solar day accept lower risk of developing common common cold [23]. A higher corporeality of alcohol intake per day has been associated with longer sleep duration [47]. Although the causality betwixt drinking patterns and sleep duration cannot be completely explained, intake of alcohol every bit a sleep aid past the Japanese [48] may be i of its reasons. The clan between sleep elapsing and mutual cold, however, was not observed in the current study. This may exist due to the low number of subjects who slept 8 or more hours per twenty-four hour period.

The present report has several limitations. First, the incidence of mutual cold was cocky-reported, without its specific diagnostic criteria and identification of viruses. Accordingly, there is a possibility that not-clinically diagnosed common common cold was included. Second, recall bias may be involved, equally the data was collected retrospectively. Patients with asthma [two] and COPD [3] are likely to develop mutual cold; consequently, those patients may tend to retrieve their common common cold episodes better. However, these information are non available in the current study. Finally, evidently, excessive alcohol intake has negative furnishings on health and increases mortality [49,l]. Therefore, the results presented here should be interpreted with caution.


The present written report revealed that higher frequency of alcohol intake was associated with lower prevalence of self-reported common cold episodes in Japanese men. In contrast, the amount of booze intake was non associated with the retrospective prevalence of self-reported common cold. In order to make up one's mind whether a higher frequency of booze intake reduces the incidence of common cold, a long-term prospective study or randomized trials are required.

Competing interests

The authors declare that they accept no competing interests.

Authors' contributions

EO, KN, and RN designed the research, and interpreted the data; KN, YK, LG, HM, HG, MC, AO, YC, and RN participated in the acquisition of data; EO performed the statistical analysis, and writing the manuscript; KN, and RN supervised the analysis, and assisted in drafting and revising the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.


This work was supported past a Grant-in-Aid under the "Noesis Cluster Initiative" from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan. We gratefully acknowledge all the subjects who participated in the annual health test of the Sendai Oroshisho Center and agreed to exist included in the written report.


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